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Your Parish Council


Caterham on the Hill Parish Council works hard to improve the living and working environment in Caterham on the Hill. The Council consists of 9 Parish Councillors (all volunteers), a part time Parish Clerk and part time Parish Warden. Council meeting take place at the Westway Centre and Caterham Ex Service Mens Club and also virtually. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and give their views or raise issues.
The work of the Parish Council is varied and includes commenting on planning applications, providing additional services such as Christmas lights, events, planters, hanging baskets, flower beds, benches, bins and toilets, responding to consultations, arranging public meetings and working with other organisations to improve local facilities.


Need a grant?

If you are a voluntary or charitable body with a strong connection to Caterham on the Hill, the Parish Council may be able to help with a small grant



Planning applications

If you would like to make or view planning applications this link will take you to the Tandridge District Counil planning website.




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